Grade 3 News

Leverett Elementary School

Archive for November, 2016



We started our unit on Weather. We made mini-water cycles and started learning about clouds. Ask your child what the three main types of clouds are, or try to figure them out from our pictures.



We had our first read-a-thon of the year. We wore our comfy clothes and snuggled into our sleeping bags for a day of reading. We read independently, with buddies, had a guest reader, and performed a reader’s theater. What a fun day!

Teaching Posters


We wrapped up our rocks and minerals unit by creating teaching posters about what we learned. We had topics of: What is a Rock?, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Igneous Rocks, Fossils, Volcanoes, and Layers of the Earth. Each pair of students focused on key concepts to “teach”, and then supported their ideas with photos and […]

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