Grade 3 News

Leverett Elementary School

Archive for January, 2017

The Moon


We kicked off our Night Sky unit with a study of the moon. Students read a book about the moon with a partner. Then they designed a mini-poster answering a key question about their moon topic. After posters were finished, students gave each other feedback- warm and cool post its. It was great practice giving […]



We survived the skyscraper challenge! Students needed to design and test a skyscraper using paper, craft sticks, and tape. It needed to be at least 18 inches tall, and able to withstand the wind for 10-15 seconds. After many attempts, revisions, and discussions, students were able to come up with a model of their own […]

Weather Event Teaching Posters


We are wrapping up our weather unit with a study of extreme weather. Students partnered up and researched one type of extreme weather. They focused on defining the weather, what the causes were, effects of the weather, safety tips, and interesting facts. Our topics included: Thunderstorms, Drought, Heat Wave, Big Freeze, Tornado, Hurricane, Flood and […]

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